‘Ey Board

Commissioned by Loophole Projects, this is a series of works for an A-Board, exhibited at the end of the commissioner’s suburban driveway in North Wales. Drawn from the same series as ‘Profit and Self’ (made for ‘The State We’re In’ project, also documented on this site) my work was a bilingual statement - “Just Be Curious / Byddwch yn Chwilfrydig” - a suggested philosophy for day-to-day life.

From the Loophole Projects website - “The 'Ey Board is the latest form of Loophole Projects that operates from the driveway of Nick's little bungalow in Prestatyn in the guise of an A-Board - the type of shop sign seen on many high street pavements. It exists with the belief that if a contemporary art gallery isn't possible in Denbighshire then other forms of getting great art out to the public are what's needed. As the name suggests it's hoped the 'Ey Board will make people go "...'Ey?" or "... Ooh" or "... Ah" as they pass by.”

A set of limited edition multiples were available to buy through my website shop for the duration of the work’s exhibition.

(Images courtesy of Loophole Projects)